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What is a homeowners association?


A homeowners association (HOA) is a corporation that serves as the governing body of a residential community, such as a condominium, townhome or single-family development.  They are created to protect the community owner’s property values by enforcing its covenants and bylaws.  All community homeowners who buy homes in an HOA community are mandatory members of the HOA, and must follow the community’s guidelines to ensure a harmonious environment and lifestyle for all who live in the HOA; failure to comply with HOA rules and regulations can result in fines or legal action.



How do I become a member of my community’s HOA?


By purchasing a home in an HOA, you automatically become a member of the homeowners association. By signing your deed at the purchase of your home you agree to be part of the HOA. 

How do I know what the rules are for my HOA?


Your HOA’s specific rules and policies are outlined in the Governing Documents which provide comprehensive information about the association’s procedures for operation and detail its rules and regulations on amenity usage, architectural guidelines, fee schedules, fines, fences, leasing and rentals, noise, parking, pets, signs and much more. A copy is provided on your associations information page. 


What are CC&Rs or Governing Documents?


Each community association is governed by its own unique rules and policies.  These itemized in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and bylaws which clearly define what kind of behavior and actions homeowners can and cannot take regarding their homes and communities.  In addition to the CCRs, many Board’s and communities will the governing documents as a baseline to formulate more specific rules for the neighborhood. All rules and policies are designed to protect property values by keeping the community clean, safe and beautiful, and ensuring a harmonious living environment for all residents.  Homeowners are required to follow all of the community’s rules, even if they do not agree with them, and non-compliance can result in fines or legal action. A copy is provided on your associations information page. 

What type of insurance policy do I need?


If you own or are purchasing a single family home or a townhome you will need an HO3 Policy to insure the structure and the contents of your home.

If you own or are purchasing a condominium you will need an HO6 Policy to insure the only the contents of your home because the HOA insures the structure.  Often, many people mistake their townhome for a condo and do not have the right insurance policy.  For example, we hope it never happens, but if your townhome burns down and you don’t have the proper insurance the HOA will not rebuild it.


If you are unsure if your home is a condo or a townhome please contact our office.  


What do my dues cover?


What your dues cover depends on what kind of home you live in (Single Family, Townhome or Condo). what kind of amenities your community has, and any services outlined in your HOA Governing Documents that are to be provided by the HOA.  Below are some examples of items that your dues cover.  Please note that in some cases not all of the items listed below will apply to your HOA and in other cases there may be more items not listed here which are included in your dues.


Single Family HOAs – Management Fees, Common Area Liability Insurance, Common Area Grounds Maintenance, General maintenance & repairs, Common Area Landscaping, Common Area Paving (if applicable), Street Light Electricity , Entrance sign electricity & repairs (if applicable), Snow removal/plowing of entrances, Common Area Electrical repairs, Common Area Water/sewer maintenance, Taxes & Tax Return preparation, Annual Audits, Legal Fees, Bank charges, Tree maintenance and/or removal, Dredging of retention pond and regular maintenance (if applicable) & more


Townhome HOAs– Management Fees, Common Area Liability Insurance, Grounds Maintenance, General maintenance & repairs, Landscaping, Pine needles and mulch, Snow removal, Paving of streets/parking areas, Street Light Electricity, Entrance sign electricity & repairs (if applicable), Electrical repairs, Taxes &  Tax Return Preparation, Audits, Legal Fees, Bank charges, Exterior maintenance includes, but is not   limited to: Exterior Painting, Replacing wood rot, Siding  repairs and replacement, Roof repairs and replacement; Tree Removal & Maintenance (if applicable), Retention Pond maintenance (if applicable), Irrigation (if applicable) & more


Condo HOAs– Management Fees, Insurance on common area and structures, Grounds Maintenance, General maintenance & repairs, Landscaping, Pine needles and/or  mulch, Snow removal, Paving of streets/parking areas, Street light Electricity, Entrance sign electricity & repairs (if applicable), Taxes & Tax Return Preparation, Annual Audits, Legal Fees, Bank charges, Irrigation (if applicable), All exterior maintenance: Painting, Replacing wood rot, Repairing siding, Roof leaks & replacement, Plumbing & plumbing repairs, Tree Removal & Maintenance (if applicable), Retention Pond maintenance (if applicable). 


In addition to the items listed above, dues for HOAs with amenities also cover: Pool and/or clubhouse Insurance, pool and/or clubhouse lawn maintenance and landscaping, pool and/or clubhouse maintenance, pool and/or clubhouse cleaning, janitorial or other supplies, pool deck repairs, pool & clubhouse electricity, pool telephone, pool permits & application fees, pool and/or clubhouse water & sewer, pool furniture, pool house/clubhouse Janitorial services, pool & clubhouse plumbing repairs, pool & clubhouse cleaning supplies, pool & clubhouse electrical repairs, pool equipment, pumps, clubhouse cable/internet (if applicable), tennis court lights, court resurfacing, replacement of equipment such as wind screens and nets. 

For a complete list of items covered by your dues in your specific HOA please contact our office. 

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established" (Proverbs 16:3)

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