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The governing documents of HOAs stipulate that all any exterior changes or additions must be submitted in writing to the HOA and must be approved by the HOA before any work can begin. This includes, but is not limited to:  installation of sheds, fences, patios, decks, extended driveways, conversion of patio into sunroom, room additions, satellite dishes, installing or removing landscaping (not including seasonal flowers), roof replacement if changing shingle color, siding replacement if changing siding type or color, window replacement, addition of storm doors, installation of solar panels, painting of doors, shutters, windows or siding, etc. If you have a question about if your project requires Architectural Approval please contact our office and we will be happy to answer any questions about your specific project.

Be sure to read the section regarding Architectural Control in your HOA Governing Documents before you begin your plans to make changes or additions.   If you need a copy of your HOA's Governing Documents or are unsure if your plans would fall under the HOA Architectural Guidelines please give us to obtain a copy and ask questions before you begin your changes.




Please download and complete the form below and email it and all Supporting Documents to
Thank you!

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established" (Proverbs 16:3)

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